Tuesday, July 6, 2010

The Breese’s are off on another one of their great adventures…

After spending the past six years reflecting on their previous world trip where they used an Atlas as a road map, the Breeses of Wagga Wagga are at it again, and this time they are in search of a bog. Not just any bog mind you, this bog is special. It’s located just outside of a little town in Wales known as LLanwrtyd Wells, and it’s the home of the Bog Snorkelling World Championships.

The Story begins…


  1. We know you will come back as the World Champion Bog Snorkellor. I am already getting Council to erect a HUGE monument of you in the roads leading into Wagga. - Jeff C.

  2. Happy travelling and see you in Dunbar on Friday!
    James and Val
