Just when you think that things couldn't get any better we found ourselves in yet another amazing place. Tintagel is a small seaside town on the north coast of Cornwall and Tintagel Castle is known as being the birth place of King Arthur. The castle ruins are on top of a steep rocky outcrop which is surrounded on three sides by steep cliffs which drop down to the Atlantic Ocean. Cathy really got into the 'exploring the castle ruins' thing and would go to every 'nook and crany' making sure she didn't miss anything. Unfortunately she got a bit too adventurous here and took a tumble which left her with several nice bruises and scrapes as well as a badly twisted ankle.
Tintagel Castle
Tintagel Castle
Tintagel Post Office
Not wanting to quit she managed to limp through town and 'hobble' through a 'Merlin' and 'Pendragon' gift shop or two. We had tea at the King Arthurs Arms (no kidding) and one of the barman, realising Cathy was injured, really took a shine to her and spoilt her terribly.
We spent the night at Camelot Castle which was a huge building overlooking the town, castle ruins and ocean. It was really old and dated and the whole place was a bit 'strange' really but the views were fantastic and Cathy liked the thought that we were staying at Camelot - plus the thought that several famous folks have previously stayed here.
Camelot Castle
I desperately want to see Tintagel, and stay at Camelot, hopefully we'll get a chance to do it before we have to head home...