After thanking Marie (and Arthur and Rupert) for a great night we headed out again. We had our eyes set on getting to Stonehenge, but got sidetracked for a few hours at Exeter. I got to wander around some shops while Geoff checked out the sights on foot (OK he went for a run). It's a bonus for me, as he then takes me to see the best places. We wandered along a river and caught a small ferry (30 pence) across to the other side (only about 30 metres). There were some great shops set inside the arches of an old building/bridge? We then drove to the Exeter Cathedral and wandered around it, the park and the busy main streets.
The boat is in the middle and shops under the bridge
Exeter Cathedral
Now... back to Stonehenge. Just as you'd expect it is amazing to see and the rocks are even bigger than I imagined. As you walk around all you can wonder is 'What were they thinking when they built this'? What was so important about the solstice to bring all these stones and place them upright in the ground. Some stones were from 30 miles away and some were from over 200 miles away in Wales. One type is warm to touch and the other is cold - so WHY???
We then went to Salisbury for tea at the Red Lion. It's a little older than the one in Wagga as it was built in 1220 and is covered in 800 year old ivy - just beautiful! We then wandered around their Cathedral.
Red Lion Hotel
Salisbury Cathedral
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