When we woke up we again started exploring Hadrian's Wall
Poltcross Burn Milecastle
We followed the wall along until we came to Housesteads Roman Fort. The fort has survived relatively well and you can still see some of the barracks, hospital, granaries, leaders house, offices, latrine etc.
We now headed straight to Dunbar, Scotland to meet up with James and Val again. Geoff was keen to have a run with the local Dunbar Running Club. He ran over 'Doon Hill' with some of the locals. They had a magnificent backdrop of farms, some harvesting, the town and the sea. In Scotland it is normal to run/ride etc through people's farms which seems a bit strange to us.
James and I tracked them down to get some photos before James took me to see the 'Bridge to Nowhere' on Belhaven Beach. We were lucky enough to catch the sunset coming under the bridge.
Geoff enjoyed a drop of the local 'Belhaven Best' beer back at the running club before we headed back to James and Val where we enjoyed a beautiful soup that James had made.
Great Photo